Here is why you should consider a prenup

One widespread belief about prenuptial agreements is that they are only useful for rich and famous people. But this is not true at all. Prenups can benefit any couple with varying financial circumstances. Millennials are signing more prenups than ever before....

What happens if you get another DUI?

You swore it was never going to happen again, until it did. You made the choice to drive home after a few drinks at a friend’s house. Now, on the side of the road, you realize that there is a chance you will have to deal with another DUI charge.Kentucky has some...

Divorcing in 2019? Know these new tax laws

While divorcing at any time impacts the manner in which you must file your taxes, those who divorce in 2019 or after face additional tax considerations as a result of recent law changes. Some of the new tax laws that recently took effect can have a substantial impact...