After filing for divorce, some Kentucky couples may face restrictions on their parenting rights and their rights to use marital finances. In general, people cannot make unilateral decisions about children or shared finances. It may be best to consult an attorney to ensure that these restrictions are not violated since they may have serious consequences.

For example, actress Angelina Jolie wanted to take her children to London while she was filming a movie, but since she was involved in a custody battle with Brad Pitt, this became more complicated. Taking children out of the country is usually not permitted while custody proceedings are in progress unless an arrangement is made with the other parent because there are fears the children might not be returned. It may not even be possible to take the children out of state without a written agreement in place.

People may also be required to continue keeping a spouse on health insurance until the divorce is final. Courts are aware of high medical costs and do not want people to be saddled with these because a spouse has dumped them from an insurance plan. People should also avoid using joint funds for any expenses outside of the ordinary ones. They could be required to reimburse a spouse if they do.

When considering a divorce, a person might want to talk to an attorney to discuss the potential ramifications for finances and child custody. Temporary arrangements may be put in place for custody, visitation and support during the divorce process. People may want to discuss their preferences for child custody and property division with the attorney as well as considering what the spouse is likely to ask for or expect. Organizing financial information before this meeting may help an attorney in providing advice about how the divorce might proceed.